Wednesday, April 19, 2023

What does gematria mean in hebrew

gematria (Hebrew: גמטריא; plural gematriot) is an ancient numerological system of assigning numerical values to letters, words, phrases and passages in Jewish texts, often associated with the Kabbalah. The system was used extensively in rabbinic argumentation to explain how various words or scriptures can be connected to arrive at meaningful conclusions. Gematria is believed to be derived from Greek geometria, meaning "geometry" and referring to the base-10 (decimal) numeral system. The practice of assigning numerical values to Hebrew letters has been known since the time of the Mishna in early Rabbinic Judaism.

In modern usage, gematria is also used for Hebrew language analysis unrelated to religious or mystical pursuits. This can include uncovering hidden relationships between different words or phrases and/or finding creative wordplay for names and titles. It is also used for wordplay within literature and similarly creative writing endeavors, usually for humorous purpose.

In traditional Kabbalistic teachings, Hebrew letters are deemed divine and metaphysical ideas are assigned permanent numerical counterparts called sefirot. In an attempt to understand the deeper spiritual meaning behind words found in Hebrew scriptures, practitioners of Kabbalah will use gematria as a means of unlocking hidden codes within the text that could unlock references that expand upon more than what our human eyes might be able to perceive at first glance. This can include searching out parallelisms between spiritual concepts that may otherwise appear unrelated or seeking out certain secrets that lie beneath the surface of written words. Practitioners believe these secrets are keys that can open up far-reaching understanding of both natural universal truths as well as supreme divine insight into a range of other topics such as physical phenomena, ethics, and psychological insight.

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